Saturday, June 29, 2019

blue scraps

I was in the left lane, and I noticed the car up ahead was in the right lane at a dead stop. I wondered what was wrong. Fortunately, I slowed to be sure everything was all right. Then I realized we were waiting on a new family of ducks. Oh, they were so cute and so very tiny. I wish our world took better care of our small and vulnerable things.

I have blue woven checkerboard blocks made for the rainbow scrap challenge.

And a blue scraptastic star is finished.

I was in the mood to sort through my batik bucket. And blue was right on top. I am trying to fold and mark the fabric. I didn't think I had very many batiks, but, I was surprised when I took the time to get it all sorted. I will need to use it in a new project. Oh, shucks.

lots of blue inspiration at:
rsc19 super saturday


  1. so cute! ducks choose the crazy times to cross the roads have seen that before

  2. I really like that star block! Those could be hard for me to resist!

  3. Love, love, LOVE your Scraptastic Star in dark BLUE (and your lovely batik scraps,too!!)

  4. How terrible for you, you have to make another project, it must be sooo hard! LOL

  5. I really, really like those scraptastic stars. Going to put that pattern on my to-do list.

  6. Glad everyone saw the duck & ducklings in time to stop and wait for their crossing. Your Scraptastic Star looks great!
