Friday, May 4, 2018

One monthly goal and a finish

May is here and time to set my goals for One monthly Goal at elm Street quilts

 I bought this elegant quilt kit a while ago from  a presenter to our guild, Lynn Schmitt Cibulka. The kit was chock full of fiber goodies, wool, velvet, sateen, brocade. I have been intimidated by it. It was costly and so different, that I was also afraid I would never actually make it. So my goal for it this month is to untie the ribbon, and look through it, and read the directions. And if that leads to something more so be it.

I want to finish double delight. It is ready for the final border. I didn't have any fabric in my crushingly overwhelming stash, so I needed to order it. I am waiting for it to arrive.

 I also want to quilt and finish quiltville's  carolina christmas.

But I did finish all 180 of the little friendship stars I needed to make for my self and my swap partner.

I am linking to:
Finished or Not Fridays   
Whoop Whoop


  1. OOOh, that looks like a very fun kit package. Looking forward to seeing that one come together. Good luck with all your May stitching plans.

  2. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and good luck with your project. (You only need to pick one project!)

  3. Thanks for linking to Urban Quilter's 2018 Forward Progress! We are happy to cheer you on toward progress--sometimes opening a kit is very intimidating but usually it turns out much less scary than you think it will. Did you make a project list this year and I missed linking to it? If so, let me know where it is and I will add you. If not, we're happy to have you jump in and share your gola when you are inspired to do so.

  4. Your friendship star blocks look great. I hope you come back to link up with TGIFF once you have a finish.
