Saturday, August 27, 2022

hole in my scraps

I am barely finishing these hole in the barn blocks for the month of August and the rainbow scrap challenge at so scrappy.

I think I have nearly all of them that I need for the quilt.

I have a few zipper blocks ready to go. I just don't have many orange scraps. I like orange in quilts, but it isn't an often used color.

still canning from the garden
I am linking to:


  1. Thanks for linking up all your fun finishes for the week!

  2. Many thanks for linking up with TGIFF! Love your little finishes - two different kinds of blocks and some canning - perfect.

  3. I have been canning for over 45 years but I have never done onions before. What do you use them in? The Hole in the Barn Door blocks are really colorful and nice.

  4. the blocks are great, love those zipper blocks, how fun. You have a very fruitful garden!!

  5. Your scrappy Hole in the barn door blocks are AMAZING!!!!!!

  6. Your garden sure is bountiful! For someone who doesn't have a lot of orange you sure are able to put together some lovely blocks! Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.
