Sunday, May 2, 2021

stash report May 2, 2021

 Rather than add fabric this week, I cut fabric strips. I weighed them at 3 lbs 6 oz all from scraps. This is equal to 9 1/2 yards of fabric or 100.00 dollars  -  or 3 jelly rolls = 120.00 dollars - or 3 layer cakes = 120.00 - or 6 honey buns = 150.00 dollars - or 14 charm packs = 140.00 dollars. Well worth the time to make use of these fabric scraps.

Stash report May 2, 2021

Fabric Used this week: 0 yards  

Fabric Used year to Date: 59 1/2 yards

Fabric Added this week: 0 yards  
Fabric Added Year to Date: 58 1/3 yards

net fabric: 1 1/4 yards used more than bought

I stitched at least 15 minutes every day this week. I am trying to make 2 easy breezy blocks every morning. And I did.

I have hooked the crow for my Mr. Scarecrow rug hooking project. It seems I am moving along since rejoining my rug hooking group. If it isn't in my head, I just keep procrastinating. I am surprised how motivational being around other rug hookers has been. Too bad, there isn't a group for cleaning I could join.

my scarecrow

Here is a project that Jan is working to complete. He looks so cute.

jan's bunny


  1. It is amazing to realize that you have so many useful scraps in your stash. Saves money for sure. Love that bunny and the crow. Enjoy your stitching!

  2. Cutting the strips is such a good idea! I bet they are really useful, too.

  3. Great progress on the rug hooking. You made me laugh speaking about the group for cleaning ;D Congratulations for the 2 blocks per day!
    Thank you for linking up today!

  4. Love seeing the progress on your rugs!

  5. Our cat always jumps the fence when our neighbour puts out her two fake crows in the fall. Can just imagine what our cat would think of your crow. Using what we have is a fantastic way to create. You did the math on the different precuts, someone out there is making a boat load of money from precuts. Have a wonderful day.

  6. Thank you for pointing out so clearly the premium being made on those precuts. They are so, so tempting all packaged together but I won't buy any without a discount.
    Rug hooking is on my bucket list as is punch needle. Please, I'd love to know the designer of Jan's bunny. It looks so very lifelike.

  7. Love your crow! I've always thought they are super cool creatures. Her bunny looks fuzzy! I would get kicked out of any cleaning group I joined. :D

  8. That's a lot of strips! I guess most of us has have small fortunes in scraps hanging out in our sewing rooms. Congrats on all the stitching time. Glad you have been able to hang out with some of your buddies, it does make it so much easier to keep a commitment if you have others you want to hang out with.
