Thursday, May 16, 2019

swap blocks

I had a chance to work on my swap blocks for May. I am swapping with 4 other quilters to make our own version of circa 1880. Every month I make 30 blocks to swap, and I receive 30 blocks. It is like Christmas looking at what others have made. I haven't trimmed these yet.

I played a game with myself that for every block I finished, I could iron a languishing hst. I make them from leftover triangles but, I don't always get them ironed. This way I can do the boring part while making my blocks.

I am linking to:


  1. What a fun swap! Looks like you have a treasure trove there! Your quilt will be so pretty! I like your HSTs as well! Thank you for sharing!

  2. Love your swap blocks. How fun. And hour hst look like a fun day of play too. I have some all different sizes in a bin that need ironing. Lol

  3. Love your swap blocks. How fun. And hour hst look like a fun day of play too. I have some all different sizes in a bin that need ironing. Lol

  4. Oh the tricks we use to get us to do what we must. LOL!

  5. Back when I was still quilting, I adored block swaps. So much fun! Thanks for linking up with Creative Compulsions!
