Saturday, May 4, 2019

May one monthly goal

My May one monthly goal is a the same as the April goal only taking the next steps. I have made it more challenging by upending my sewing room for a remodel. I am not sure why I picked this exact time to try something new, but, it is a big mess right now as we put everything to rights. I had no idea how many little containers of little scrap pieces I kept shoving to the back and ignoring.  The big change is turning the corner with an ikea table. I am going to really like the space to the left of the sewing machine for borders and big quilts and bindings. The corner piece was bigger than I expected, so everything had to move around for it to fit.

The sewing machine has been silent but I have used the treadle to make this string block, even though, I had decided no more strings for awhile, and had cleaned up the area. But, all those little baskets of little pieces I found had to go somewhere.

The ironing board is at best all covered with undecided stuff from the sewing area, and I haven't really had a place to press anything yet. I did find the crayon for the rainbow scrap challenge accessible, and, I could sew the strip together for orange for the color for May.

I am making progress and hopefully, I will back to a regular quilting routine.

For May I want to assemble allietare, quilt and bind smith mountain morning, swap our circa 1880 blocks, and keep current with the rainbow scrap challenge. oh and hook up my sewing machine.

I am linking:

lots of orange inspiration at:

I am linking to:

Whoop Whoop


  1. It's always fun to get new furniture and figure out new ways to use your space! I really like your scrappy strings!

  2. Your blocks made great use of those small bits you found! Best of luck setting your room to rights. I hope you are able to get your machine set-up. Enjoy your "new" space (and the rest of ORANGE month!!)

  3. It's always a pain when to do a sewing room refresh, but usually it pays off in a big way in productive, at least for a while. Good luck with all your May goals.

  4. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and good luck on your project.

  5. I love that corner table. Rearranging/cleaning sewing spaces is always and undertaking, but so worth it.
