Saturday, September 16, 2017

pineapple blossom orange

Last month's color for rainbow scrap challenge was not a color I needed for my two ongoing rainbow quilts, so it was good to get them out again and work on them.
Ready for the final round on the pineapple blossoms - quiltville

I am making rows of 5 so the orange row is ready to assemble

There was a little purple going on in the sewing room this week too.

2 sides of the quiltville leader/ender challenge are attached. The bucket of hourglass units is nearly empty. So there is an end to this quilt. The plan didn't include borders, which will seem odd, but appreciated.

For string Saturday, I am making bigger shirt blocks for sashing I hope to need next month for my one monthly goal. I have to really dig in the string bucket to find shirt pieces. hmm where have they gone?

I am linking to
 SewCan She

rsc17 super saturday


  1. Your hourglass block are fabulous! Always so satisfying to see leaders and Enders turn into quilts.

  2. I especially like the orange pineapple blocks!

  3. LOVE that Leader/Ender Hourglass Challenge quilt!!

  4. I really like those pineapple blocks! That's one I'm going to have to put on my list. Do you have the special trimming ruler for your blocks, or can it be done without one? The hourglass leader and ender quilt is looking wonderful!

  5. I like the way those blocks form a star

  6. Lots of pretty oranges in your blocks. The Hourglass quilt is looking great. Hope you get in lots more stitching today.

  7. Your hourglass flimsy is gorgeous. Well done!
