Thursday, September 7, 2017

The spirit of Christmas quilt

I don't think I have shown the pattern for the Spirit of Christmas. I have talked about it here.

I finally decided how I wanted to do the applique. Linda friend did hers raw edge and machine stitched. I wasn't sure. But I decided to hand turn, hand stitch the flowers.

The pattern didn't fit on the square that was cut from the instructions. I took the pattern to the library and had it reduced by 20%.

It was quick and easy to turn the edges under with spray starch, a brush, and an iron. The pattern called for 6 leaves but I didn't think it would look that much better, so I opted for 3 leaves, except on the first one, where I had it completely sewn down without that 3rd leaf. It adds interest right? I am starting to enjoy applique, at least the hand sewing part. I feel a little awkward with the edge turning yet.

I am linking (links in the sidebar) to:
needle and thread thursdays
oh scrap


  1. The flowers are sweeter with the 3 leaves. Seems like 6 leaves would take away from it overall? I really like hand applique work, and do a little bit almost every evening. It's so relaxing and yet productive - perfect for watching a show with Scott while we wind down before bed. My favorite method is back-basting needle-turn. This is going to be quite a pretty quilt!

  2. Love your little flower blocks. I think you could make the placement of the leaves on every block a little different. Thanks for linking up with Oh Scrap!

  3. A very pretty pattern. Your little flowers look great.
