Monday, March 7, 2022

5 quilts march 7, 2022

  My 5 quilts progress report.

1. Rainbow scrap challenge - yellow/gold  I am working on my hole in the barn blocks. I didn't think I was going to add these this year, but, I did. SO, I am catching up red from January, and aqua from February.

I used adding machine tape to see if I like it. Yes, I did, but it was a pain in the neck, so, I thought I could eyeball 2 1/2 inches and just started sewing long strips. Much better.

2. full stop quilt that Angela is doing for the rainbow scrap challenge at so scrappy.- I joined a few rows at open sew with my Friday group.

3. rhododendren mystery - hunter -  I have half of the first block sewn. I am having trouble matching points - so discouraging. I am not sure how, or what I did wrong that the squares are not matching the angle point on most of them.

4. basket blocks from 2014-  I used a random number generator for the next UFO to fill this spot- This quilt was a buck a block from a store in Indy in 2014. I loved the colors and fabrics so much so that I bought the finishing kit, too. So, the monthly blocks were just the baskets. I am not sure why it has been a Ufo for so long, but, it needs finishing. I need to trim the setting triangles and add borders. It is smaller than I usually make, so it will be quicker to finish.

5. use a jelly roll - Love jelly roll This is the 4th jelly roll used for the year.

MY  next on the longarm of my own quilts in the 'to be quilted' closet

1.. Christmas sparkle- on the frame - quilted

2. shine

3. bricks in the barnyard

4. tiger, tiger

5. EPP green - I hope I can find it

I am linking:


  1. I love your UFO quilt, can't wait to see it finishedI The jelly roll fabrics look so bright and cheerful, happy stitching!

  2. Your BH blocks look matched from here. They're very pretty. What jelly roll design are you going to use?

  3. I love your rhododendron blocks and understand the pain of not matching points, although yours look great in the photo. Your basket blocks are pretty! Those are lovely jelly roll fabrics.
    Thanks for linking up with To Do Tuesday!

  4. Cute projects--esp love the baskets! Good luck on your to-do's!

  5. I'm so glad you pulled out the basket blocks quilt to finish - it is very pretty, and you will feel so good when it is a completed quilt. Hugs, Judy

  6. I remember the Buck a Blocks! What a pretty quilt this is going to be. Love all your projects! Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.
