Wednesday, September 16, 2020

new basket

I found this little beauty at suzies scraps here. I really like her blog for inspiration. I used her ideas for a broken dishes block hereand her tile block here.
I was really excited to find another way to use the quirky "trash" triangles I have in a box. and it is so cute. It is also another great way to use older scraps that are not nearly as modern. Although, all fabric trends repeat over time.

I put them together like a 9 patch. Right now, I have a bunch of 2 1/2 inch squares cut in cream. When I use those I might make the plain 2 squares into a single piece. I like making these better than wonky stars.


  1. These are a fun way to repurpose scraps of fabric!

  2. I find it amusing that three little "star" points can make a difference to you, Maggie. These baskets are super cute, though!

  3. You are right...those are cute. And they do look like more fun than making little Wonky Stars. I think I see some of those in my future!

  4. Love that meme! Isn’t that the truth? Your baskets are so cute! Going to check out Suzie’s Scraps. Thanks for sharing with Creative Compulsions!

  5. Hey, that's a cute block for scraps! looks pretty fast to do up, too.
