Wednesday, September 9, 2020

stash buster block

A new block for me. It is the stashbuster 2020 block. It is a great block, and, I am going scrappy with it. I can't use my strip bins for it, so when I have scrap chunks, and, I can get a 3 1/2 and a matching 2 inch strip from the fabric, I have been cutting for it.

We have been canning tomatoes, and, enjoying the last of the garden. We grew eggplant this year, and, had cantaloupe that was yummy.


  1. Hmmm, loving the reds, whites and blues --- would make a good QOV design. Can't go wrong with a scrap buster!

  2. Really cool block! Thanks for sharing with Creative Compulsions.

  3. Your blocks look great, Maggie! There IS a way to use your strip bins, as that's the way I ended up making my Stash Buster Challenge blocks. The overall appearance of the finished block is the same. On first glance, it's hard to tell which blocks I made with which method!

  4. I am in the midst of piecing and assembling these blocks too. It's a fun block.

  5. Great block pattern, going to be a lovely scrappy quilt!
