Saturday, September 5, 2020

down country roads

I am not sure why the first quilt I work on each month for the rainbow scrap challenge, is country roads. I guess because it is so easy to get started. I grab a few red 1 1/2 inch strips, stack them, cut them, and presto they are done. Nothing like instant gratification. There is a link at the bottom for the pattern.

I am sure I will be working on these next year.                         

I ran out of August before I ran out of purple projects to show. I made a purple row for my row x row quilt. never mind the messy table.


  1. I like the instant gratification of a quick and easy block, just to get going, too. Your country road blocks are going to make a fun quilt!

  2. Love those purples! The country road blocks look nice. Is there going to be an alternate block or do they set next to each other? Happy stitching!

  3. Great blocks! That’s cute that you ran out of August.... !! I do love those purple circles!!

  4. I find I do my cobblestones first for the same reason! Your country roads are lovely and I spy a few fabrics I have in there! That row x row is going to be amazing!

  5. Nice start on your RED blocks for the RSC and a lovely way to end the purple sewing for last month, too!

  6. Besides ease of construction, maybe it's because they are so darn cute too! Good job at getting your row x row done and shown.

  7. Instant gratification is always good!
    Messy table? I only see some wonderful circles!
