Wednesday, November 20, 2019


I thought I had too many baskets from a swap years ago, but, it isn't looking very big when I stitch them together. I can make each row another 3 blocks of 4.
I do like the crazy fabrics, and the idea that 3 quilter's had a hand in making them. Matching them, to sew them, seems a bit fiddly, but worth the effort.

I have tried rug hooking again, and it is getting more comfortable with time. I did get another snowman done for my rug. This one is sporting a hip polka dot scarf.

I haven't started my one monthly goal yet and november is coming to a rapid close.

I am linking to:


  1. My goodness - those are both tiny and fun!

  2. I love your little baskets! They're fun in that layout!

  3. Such sweet little baskets! And your snowman is adorable.

  4. Those Basket blocks are just SEW darling!!! I would like a BIG quilt made from those. Guess I better get busy, if I want to finish it in this lifetime!
