Friday, September 13, 2019

scarecrow rug

Hubby and I had a great time at the wool keepers rug hooking event in Danville, Indiana. It was my first big car trip and away from home time since back surgery. I really enjoyed the rug hookers, and their enthusiasm. There were more vendors there than usual, and the colors of wool were worth drinking in and feeling the inspiration. Rug hooking has been a wonderful way to meet with some very lovely women in my area. But, just like quilting, I have enough wool and enough projects so that I didn't plan on buying or starting anything else. Cue the the audience laughing.
In my defense, I had made it around the vendors twice before I saw Mr. Scarecrow.

HE was so quirky and different. The designer was so nice and friendly. She showed me her plan with her wool to hook him. She was planning to keep the linen background and just hook the scarecrow and use these colors. Aren't they beautiful? He is 65 inches tall, so the plan is to hang him on the door.

I only bought one piece of wool for this rug. I am sure I have most of what I will need in my wool stash.

It is still a struggle to sit and rug hook with my back, but it is getting better and I look forward to getting back to my rug hooking. I am still working on the snowman rug. Big decision - put snowmen aside and start the new fall project or finish what I am hooking and do the Mr. scarecrow next. hmmmm. or take another nap.

I am linking to:

Finished or Not Fridays


  1. I am glad your back is getting bigger - I would love to see how he turns out! I don't know that I know much about rug hooking!

  2. Decisions! Decisions! I know whichever you decide on, it will be fabulous. I’m glad your back is improving. Thanks for linking up to Creative Compulsions!

  3. Haha.....a nap sounds like an excellent idea. =) What a sweet scarecrow. He will look fabulous hanging on the door. How wonderful were able to get out and about and enjoy a show. Take care, lovely lady.

  4. Glad your back is getting better!
    Does the designer of that scarecrow rug have a website? It truly does have a welcoming quirkiness to it....and maybe there are other folks that would enjoy hooking him too! :-)

  5. OMG!! You were so close to me and I didn't even know it! I didn't even know there was a rug hooking event going on, not that I hook, but I want to start wool embroidery, so I would have loved to shop some wools!! Hope your back allows you get back to hooking.
