Thursday, September 5, 2019

swap blocks

I didn't get all my swap blocks done for August and it is time to work on September as well.
I make them bigger and trim them down before I give them to my swap partners. Each month we exchange 30 blocks.

We are making them 4 1/2 inches unfinished. So far, the blocks I have received have been great.

The weather has been beautiful, but I can tell fall is coming. I look forward to cider and maybe a roasted marshmallow or two.

I am linking to:


  1. What great blocks! Good luck on keeping up each month.

  2. Good luck making all your swap blocks! Visiting from midweek Makers

  3. Those blocks are so cute. They *almost* make we want to start joining swaps. I'm not going to but getting the variety for scrappy quilts is so tempting.

  4. Lots of scrappy goodness in those blocks. Will all these go into one quilt?
