Tuesday, September 3, 2019

one monthly goal

I can't believe it is September already. And it's time for choosing goals for One monthly goal at elm street quilts. This is the month I am going to finally finish On Ringo Lake mystery quilt.....I hope.
After finishing the top last month, I had a few places I needed to flip the sashings. This pesky little guy was nearly in the center of the quilt. Fortunately, he was a lone wolf taunting me, and not part of a series of flipped pieces.

I plan to stay with the mystery quilts, and finish good fortune mystery quilt as well.

I am behind on swap blocks, and the rainbow scrap challenges as well.

I am linking to:


  1. Love your Good Fortune quilt, good luck finishing it

  2. Hi Maggie! Wow, good eye spotting that piece that needed to be flipped. I probably wouldn't have noticed it until it was all quilted. Doesn't it just figure that it was just about in the center of the quilt top?!! Thanks so much for linking up today, and I think you can get this done this month. I, too, can't believe it is September. ~smile~ Roseanne

  3. So much easier to start projects than to finish them, it seems. I especially like the last one you show--the color combinston.

  4. Both of your Bonnie Hunter quilts are just beautiful! Good luck with getting them finished this month!

  5. It looks lovely! I really like your GF. I'm trying to finish En Provence at the moment in time for the next one.

  6. Gorgeous! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and good luck with your project.

  7. Love Good Fortune's colors. Can't wait to see them both done. Good luck.

  8. Pretty fabrics! Have fun catching up on your mysteries.

  9. Your mystery quilts look great! Thanks for sharing with Moving it Forward! Cheering you one to some fine finishes!

  10. Love your color palettes for both of your BH quilts. It would be nice to have those two done before this year's mystery starts. Not happening for me, but it's nice to see someone else get them finished off.
