Wednesday, September 11, 2019

rsc letters

My hubby made pickled green tomatoes with some masterful coaching from me. I have always felt bad about the tomatoes at the end of the season, that we don't get harvested. If these are yummy, we may have found the answer. I want to try a green tomato salsa as well. We still have more than enough red tomatoes to eat and maybe still can for the winter.

I have met a bit with my quilting friends, and since I still can't take my machine with back limitations, I used the time to cut some more letters for my quote quilt. After I finished the quote letters, I used the same scraps to cut a few tiny Tuesday pieces. I forgot to bring labels so they are the ones with a purple napkin piece.

This is the book I am using. I really like how these letters are made.

With some of the letters, I had to leave them in the book to  know what they are.

I am linking to:

chameleon color linky


  1. Hi Maggie! I am so interested in your canned green tomatoes. I hope you share your opinion of the results of the master canning experience. Leaving all those green tomatoes on the vine at the end of the season bothers me. I've never tried fried green tomatoes and maybe I should but your option looks good to me. I have that letter book and have always been meaning to make the quilt top. What a great use of time! Thanks for linking up this week. ~smile~ Roseanne

  2. This takes me back to my late teens when I had a huge tomato patch and we used to make up all the season's end tomatoes that didn't ripen into pickles. Thanks for the memories!

  3. Those are really good letters. Love your fabric colors, too. I sure hope your back is feeling better now than it was!
