Friday, August 2, 2019

clean and organized

My first thought when I saw this was, why hadn't I thought of this. Then I realized the "real" me was already thinking, this is a good reason not to finish anything.

After the glow of finishing a quilt, and I enter the sewing room again for the first time after, I wonder what kind of mad woman has been in my room? Is there any way the "real" me could turn into the tidy me? But, I did just finish En Provence, so I will give it a try.

I have sewn a few more Bonnie Hunter garden party blocks.

and a few Bonnie Hunter Carolina chain blocks.

I am linking to:


  1. The real you looks pretty tidy.

  2. Off to clean my machine!! LOL. I did do a bit of pickup yesterday because we had overnight quests. But there is still a lot more straightening I could do.

  3. Yes! I love cleaning after finishing a project. I appreciate the moments of order before the chaos of another project erupts again! : )

  4. My machine and cutting areas stay pretty clean, but it's always nice to gather up the left overs and put them away, then clean out the project box, file the pattern. Then I feel like I'm really done with the a quilt.
