Saturday, August 10, 2019

tiny tuesday

I am a little afraid, I am getting too far behind on tiny tuesday blocks, but I remind myself that most of the time they are fun and quick enough to make. And just to help me out, there wasn't one this week.

I don't know why this looks so unpressed. I did press it..... must be gremlins.

I am linking to:
rsc19 super saturday


  1. Pretty blues! Glad you had a chance to catch up on a few more!

  2. Beautiful blue blocks! It is fast to catch up. They are small and most are quick to sew. Happy sewing!:-)

  3. Pretty blue blocks! Use up those scraps.

  4. Good luck with getting "caught up" on your Tiny Tuesday blocks!!

  5. Very pretty blocks. You'll be all caught up before you know it.

  6. It was a nice little catch-up break last week, wasn't it? But I hear we may be getting two Tiny Tuesday blocks this week!
