Tuesday, March 26, 2019

scraptastic stars

I am not a big fan of sewing with squares. If I have a choice, I will use strips, but, I had my 2 1/2 in squares out, looking for just a couple of green squares to finish a project. I noticed what a whopping mess there was, and, squirrel, I was sorting squares. I keep them in velveeta containers I find at goodwill.

There was even more of them than I thought. What to do with them?

Melissa Corry at happy quilting shared this block and a free pdf for scraptastic stars here.

And before I knew it, I had a star. And I want to make more stars and more stars.

Oh, and I didn't find any more of the green squares that I was looking to find.

I am linking to:
Free Motion by the River

chameleon color linky

Oh scrap



  1. Hi Maggie! You certainly followed that squirrel right into a really cute project. I love stars, and this one is shining brightly. ~smile~ Roseanne

  2. That is a clever storage system for those little squares! I'm going to start keeping my eyes out for those. And I love how that block turned out! Fantastic!

  3. Your block is beautiful.great job and i feel a squirrel coming on
    ....grrrrr. lol

  4. Your block is beautiful.great job and i feel a squirrel coming on
    ....grrrrr. lol

  5. Terrific block! I like the way the white squares create a frame for the star.

  6. Great organizing, and so neat how that star pops surrounded by the greens.

  7. I've always liked this block. What a great stash buster. Could be worse, at least your squirrel is interested in scraps and not a project that would require you buy all new fabric.

  8. Your Scraptastic Star is fabulous! I had a great time making blocks with this pattern for the RSC last year. Are you planning to continue making more?
