Monday, March 18, 2019

tiny tuesday

Hooray, at least until tomorrow, I am caught up with the tiny Tuesday blocks for the rainbow scrap challenge. The delay was mostly fear of applique with the melon. It wasn't so bad. Perhaps by the end of this sampler, I won't think twice about it.

We had a dose of spring yesterday

It is so pretty, especially since we know Spring always comes.

I am linking to:


  1. sorry to hear you still have snow! it is bug season here :( the one thing of spring I hate. Love your little blocks

  2. Your Tiny Tuesday blocks are lovely!

  3. I really like the black and white grid fabric you are using to frame each block. I'm enjoying the snowy weather this year but am also looking forward to something in bloom.

  4. Your mini blocks are so adorable
    Cant wait for spring here too

  5. Your Tiny Tuesday blocks are looking good. We actually saw the sun for a few days, though I think that ends tomorrow.

  6. Aren't these Tiny Tuesday blocks fun? Yours are looking good. We have a few crocus flowers trying to open and with warmer weather expected this week, we are sure to see them soon! Yours will be around too!

  7. These are pretty blocks with that fantastic background fabric. (Have you tried backbasting applique yet? You may like that technique.) I love spring snow, precisely because it thaws so quickly.
