Wednesday, March 27, 2019

fair and square

In this post I was trying to figure what the string blocks were that I found. I later realized, I had started fair and square without making any note of it.
After the string blocks were finished, I started making 360- 4 patches that finish at 2 1/2 inches.

Those are finished and I am slowly putting the blocks together. I am using this as my away project for Tuesday quilt group and Friday quilt group. And There is always fun to be had and slower progress.

I just love it when all the prep work is done, and I just need to start assembly. I really like Bonnie Hunter quilts for that reason. She breaks it down into pieces, and then everything falls into place. This quilt pattern can be found in her book String fling at

This is the quilt that had inspired me at Jo's country junction

I am linking to:


midweek makers

Oh Scrap


  1. That's a great idea, having an "Away Project" just for your quilt group. I am finding that not every project is equally portable, and that some stages of a project are more portable than others... Would NOT try to put borders on a quilt top at a quilting bee, for example!

  2. I followed the link to see the picture of the quilt and all I can say is "Wow". Can't wait to see yours taking shape.

  3. Neat quilt for sure
    Cant wait to see it progress

  4. It is nice once you've got all the pieces made for one of Bonnie's quilts. Looking forward to seeing this one come together.
