Saturday, March 9, 2019

crayon quilt

The color for March rainbow scrap challenge is green. I hope the leprechauns bring spring soon. Our temperatures have been in the single digits, but the sky looks more like Spring everyday.

I need 2 green crayons for the crayon quilt, I made the lighter version first, and, then decided I needed to get busy with the crayon points. They were not as difficult as I had thought.
This quilt is so simple in construction but makes me smile every time I work on it. It must be subconscious happy crayon memories.

I am linking:
lots of green inspiration at:


  1. All three of your Crayons blocks have turned out well. LOVE that one in GREEN, though!!

  2. I love those - so cute! They look fun to make!

  3. Looking good! I'm interested to see how you will put it together, in rows with the pencils pointing up, perhaps?

  4. I too am a crayon girl. Love yours and cant wait to see how you put it together

  5. Love your Crayons. Nice points. I'm making crayons, too! I really should go ahead and make the points like you did. Lazy me. Crayons blocks are perfect for a scrap challenge : )

  6. Such lovely crayons. I'm tempted to try it out. Look for my post in the next scrap happy saturday link up. Thank you for great inspiration.

  7. Your crayon strips are so cute! I KNOW they’re fun to make, because I did an RSC crayon quilt in 2017 (my finished quilts are in tabs by year just under my blog header). Looks like you’ve got some really cute fabrics.

  8. Love the crayons! I loved coloring when I was little and now wonder if that's one of the reasons I like quilting, it's a lot slower then coloring, but you get to play with all the tones and shades of fabric.
