Monday, November 27, 2017

It's a mystery

I have begun the new Bonnie Hunter mystery On Ringo Lake. I have had a slow start, and I am only to the starch stage. I decided after I had found and gathered my strips for part 1, that I would try starching this year as a new exploration. We had a guild speaker this year, and she was adamant that it would make a difference in our accuracy. I didn't remember and decide until AFTER I had cut. Next time, I will try to calculate and soak the fabric in 1:2 liquid starch. We shall see if this makes any difference. It will be fun experiment.

I have a few parts of boxy stars ala patriotic ready to sew together. I blogged about the endless 2 1/2 inch strip bin here.

over Thanksgiving I haven't found much time to sew, so I am trying to play " what was I thinking" with my projects
 En provence is nearly ready to quilt - I need a back and binding.
cheddar sampler has not moved much from here.
The triangles are done for Holy Toledo
I am sewing the glitter blocks into pairs

I am linking to:
Making Monday  link in sidebar
main Crush Monday   link in sidebar

show and tell monday

design wall monday   link in sidebar

boms away   link in sidebar

and there is a mystery link up at Quiltville


  1. Hey, you're doing Ringo Lake. :) Those aquas are gorgeous.

  2. Lots of projects going. I do the same thing although sometimes things get sent to the back burner. Keep us posted on your starch experiment. I take it spray starch doesn't work as well? Have a great week.

  3. You've made a lot of progress! Those cheddar blocks turned out beautifully. Hope you get in lots of stitching time this weekend.
