Saturday, November 11, 2017

Rainbow scrap challenge

I just haven't been quilting. So the best I can do for the rainbow scrap challenge today is think ahead to next year. I have decided I want to make this quilt that has been on my bucket list for a long time. It is Tokoyo subway by Elizabeth Hartman. Pattern can be purchased here. I downloaded mine from her website when it was free.

 I am not sure how I will do it rainbow scrap challenge way yet. I could just sew the columns together in each month of the color and then combine when I have all the colors in the block.

I am skimming through my wish list for possible next year projects, and I have paid special attention to these dark quilts for inspiration

Em's scrab bag

I want to make wanderlust by Bonnie Hunter

and this brown and blue  star struck

I have had this on the list all year from Ecclectic abuela

and I adore this one

all dark and I want to make them all. Now if I can just sit at a machine.
 Other rainbow scrap challenge inspiration found here. What about next year for you?

I am linking to
 SewCan She

rsc17 super saturday


  1. Those are all great quilts. Any one of them will make a great RSC quilt. Of course, I wouldn't stop at one! Since I have been working on some cat-themed projects this year, I decided the dogs should have their time next year. It will be the Year of the Dog in the Chinese Calendar, so why not! I plan on doing the Dog Gone Cute blocks from Sew Fresh Quilts, I have the Dogs in Sweaters pattern from Elizabeth Hartman, and I will try to make one quilt top a month from the Yellow Brick Road pattern by Atkinson Designs - I can usually get a top completed in about 3-5 days with this pattern. Have fun making your decisions!

  2. Elizabeth Hartman is a fave of mine - she is a local gal (for me) also. I made my Tokyo subway quilt when my husband was in hospice - every evening I would stitch up a block and then put together the next block to be stitched the next evening. Once the quilt was finished I gifted it to my niece and her wife on their commitment day and they use it still. Seeing this quilt brings both sad and happy memories - isn't that the way? Your doing a great job on yours.

  3. Oooh, fun! Your Tokoyo Subway is perfect for the RSC. Like those dark scrappy projects too. It really is hard just to pick one.

  4. Those are all beautiful projects to contemplate! We'll never run out of ideas!

  5. I love the Tokyo subway. It would be a good one for some scraps. Hope you get back to quilting soon.

  6. Great options for the coming year! Best of luck on making the tough choices... which ones will be made and which will wait a bit longer.

  7. It looks like you’ve got some great things under consideration. I’m going to take a cue from you and see if I can find something inspiring for all my dark scraps! Thanks for a great post!

  8. Oh, I have an ambitious plan for next year, you'll see! I like all your possibilities. I don't think you can go wrong!

  9. Oh I'm so happy to see Tokyo Subway Map ... one of my favorite patterns from Elizabeth Hartman! Your blocks look fantastic, the colors are just amazing.

  10. It's great to see you going for the black..they are all so dramatic. I've never made one. Maybe this will be the year. That Japanese one would be something else in black!
