Saturday, May 18, 2024

pink scraps round 2

I enjoy making these traffic jam blocks. Maybe, because, I am seeing a reduction in my 2 1/2 inch square drawer, or because I am only making 2 each month. I am hoping by the end of the year I will have a small donation quilt.  

I made pink zigzag ripple blocks  using 1 1/2 inch strips by the wof. I am trying to keep the fabric the same in each block. I wonder what a mixed scrap block would do in a quilt.

I brought my Grandmother's pink rose bush to my home over 50 years ago when she passed away. I was 12 at the time, I have moved it a few times, but it still makes me happy. I took this picture on mother's day after a rain. 


  1. Those zigzag ripple blocks are really fun. Gorgeous roses. How neat that you still have those roses from your Grandmother.

  2. I really like those traffic jam blocks! Looks like they definitely do use up the scrappy squares. I'm going to have to put them on my list!

  3. It is so nice you have your grandmother's roses growing at your home. For me it's ferns that grew on the north side of my grandparents home. They've been moved a few times too. Happy stitching!

  4. So much pretty pink here. Blocks & roses-love!

  5. What a lovely rose! Such a great memory of your grandmother. I love all the pink blocks! So pretty. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.
