Friday, July 15, 2022

my ironing pad

One of my favorite quilting helpers is this little rolling 3 drawer plastic unit. It rolls underneath my table when not in use. I have an ironing pad and a wool pressing mat on top, and, it is to the left of me when I sew. I can turn and iron very easily anything I want to iron. I have had it for years.

The bottom drawer is a small file for patterns and instructions and notes. It needs a good cleaning. I am sure there are things from the dinosaur age still in there.

The second drawer is for thread, but, it became a catch all for all thread and anything else without a home

And the top drawer is where orphan HSTS rest.

I don't think I could sew without it. For, one thing, I keep the top cleaned off. I can't say that about any other flat surface at the moment.

The rose of sharon is blooming again. It had gotten out of hand last year, so, I cut it back almost to the ground. I was afraid it wouldn't recover. The hibiscus flower is a favorite of bees and hummingbirds and makes a great tea. It has anti- inflammatory and antibacterial properties, and helps with cholesterol. It is full of vitamin C. And, obviously, you can't kill it.

I am linking to:


  1. Love it!
    Don;t you look at things and say - yes I really want to clean them out - but then... if you do - what do you do with the stuff?????

  2. Great quilt tower/organizer!!! Dinosaur age--haha!! I want to recommend Aunt Pam's Quilt Sponge for wiping away loose threads:
    Those things are magic!

  3. I just moved my iron surface away from my machine, but I needed to make room for my a larger long arm frame, so it's all good. Thanks for linking with TGIFF
