Tuesday, June 20, 2017

ribbon border

I like this, but it wasn't what I thought I wanted, so back to the drawing board, so to speak.

I needed it more dark then light. I decided to add black every other one.

It would have been better to have changed to a black thread, but I don't think it was obvious on the front so .. oh well.  I keep a neutral thread on my machine all the time. It works 99% of the time. I sewed twice using the bonus buddy. I love the bonus triangles

They finish at 2 inches and are so cute!There should be 96 of them in black and white and 96 in print and white

and the snowball blocks are finished as well

I didn't press the triangles at first so I could nest the seams. The black on the left and the color on the right.
I think that is better.

I am working on the hour glass blocks for this year's leader/ender challenge. I just need to finish the neutrals for my swap partners.

And it is back on the design wall. Progress is slowing since every seam has to be pinned and each seam is getting longer.

I am linking to:
Making Monday
Moving it Forward Monday 
main Crush Monday

design wall monday

I am linking to:
Fiber Tuesday -
Free Motion by the River
to do tuesday
too cute tuesday

scraptastic tuesday


  1. I really like your revised border...and that hourglass quilt is fantastic. Love the colors!

  2. Some great progress on your quilts. --Andrea

  3. Wow! I'm loving your hourglass blocks! That is going to be such a gorgeous quilt. I do love the darker blocks in the strips too. Beautiful work! Thanks for linking up with To-Do Tuesday!

  4. That hourglass project is gorgeous! I cannot wait to see it finished!

  5. I admire your will to seek the best option despite setbacks. You have great intuitive instincts. I love the revised border as well as your hourglass creation. Happy creating!
