Friday, October 18, 2019

string quilt

I have been working on this string block quilt for a long time. It was interrupted by my back surgery. I restarted it as soon as I was comfortable to treadle again. So far it has all been done on the treadle.
There are lots of strings in this quilt. I have it to the top stage and need to decide on borders. I am glad to be far enough along that I can clean up the mess. A string quilt tends to be very messy.

It was pumpkin carving time with our Grandchildren last weekend and it was great fun.

I am linking to:


  1. great looking quilt and pumpkins! I do not have any and need to pick some up at the store today when I get my shopping done

  2. LOVE that the pumpkin carving was a family affair and I love your String quilt, too!!

  3. It may be messy but is definitely worth it. Look at the beauty you are creating!!! Just like pumpkins are messy but so much fun. Totally worth it.

  4. Well worth the mess and well worth finishing! It's really beautiful!

  5. Beautiful!! all that scrappy Goodness!! and the pumpkins - what fun!

  6. I love a good string quilt and this one is lovely. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!
