Monday, October 28, 2019

setting triangles

I need to make setting triangles for Bonnie Hunter's garden party. The count for the 9 patch units included what I would need for the triangles, so I didn't need to make the 3 square unit. I did have to cut and make the 2 square unit and 1 square unit.

I need one more piece for the bottom, and it will be the extras from the 9 patch units.

And our youngest Grandchild - isn't he a cute lil pumpkin?

I am linking:


  1. love the grandson's costume :) so sweet - when my granddaughter was that young (eons ago) she had one that was a pea pod it was so cute

  2. Always nice to have a head start on a project section! Bonnie's quilts do have a lot of pieces :)

  3. What could be better than a fleecy pumpkin costume for a baby??? Adorable!!

  4. What a cute little punkin! We didn't have any trick or treaters this year. I am not familiar with Bonnie Hunter's Garden Party - I will go look it up. Thanks for linking with Design Wall Mondays, Judy
