Tuesday, October 8, 2019

goodwill treasures

On a recent visit to goodwill, I discovered this small quilt. I was intrigued. It was hand pieced, but definitely not old. The background was muslin, and appeared to have been washed. I have a hard time leaving these kind of partial quilts, knowing they could be used as a donation quilt. Most of the work is done.

I also found this little bit of quilt that was started but not finished. There was a lot of work in this. It is a reminder to me that I should work at finishing before I dislike something. My time and effort is worth that. I haven't checked it out yet, but I have a sneaky suspicion that this is an old Joann block of the month, and I might have others of that series buried somewhere.

I am linking to:
to do tuesday


  1. Hi Maggie! Someone, somewhere is thrilled that these quilt pieces/tops have been rescued. The first will be a fabulous donation quilt and the second, too - not sure of the size. I recognize some of those blocks from when I first started quilting. Thanks for linking up today! ~smile~ Roseanne

  2. I'm always amazed at the quilts people find at the thrift shops that can be rescued and used! Those are both great finds!

  3. How wonderful that you will get that Scottie quilt finished and onto a bed. Perhaps it was donated by family of someone who has passed or had to go into care. I bet the maker would be thrilled to know it will be finished and loved if they had the opportunity.

  4. lol! That's my problem too....not finishing before I dislike it! ;-)
    That black & white quilt is interesting...kind of reminds me of hanging laundry (and it blowing in the breeze)...
