Tuesday, March 27, 2018

One monthly Goal march

It's time to report and link with One Monthly goal at Elm street quilts. I had already posted about my lazy Sunday finish which was one of my goals.

I knew I had just 6 days left to finish my goal for Marie Webster quilt. I needed to make a new set of everything to prepare the block. I have one block left to do and then I will decide how to finish the quilt. My goal was to work on it and finish at least one block. I have finished 4.

The last block will be done by the end of the month. hooray.

There was a big snow in the southern part of Indiana. It missed us but hit where my Grandchildren are so we didn't get to visit. boo
Today is both rug hooking guild and quilting guild. Should be a happy day. Do you belong to a guild?

This is Carmen's rug

And this is Jan's rug

I am linking to:
Free Motion by the River
to do tuesday
too cute tuesday

one monthly goal


  1. Oh my gosh! Your quilt is gorgeous, NOTHING lazy about that, and your rugs are amazing, too! I'm intrigued with your applique process. It looks like you've printed your applique templates onto some kind of stabilizer or interfacing product. Can you tell me more about your process? I'm about to start a new applique project and I'm looking for ideas that will help it go smoothly!

  2. Wow, you really overshot your goal of getting one block finished! Yay for getting four done! The finished quilt looks fantastic!

  3. Wow! Great projects! ... That big snow that hit central Indiana? My Indy kids happened to be visiting hubs and me and missed the snow!

  4. So pretty! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish.

  5. Those are some super cute rugs and I love love love your finish.

    Those grandbabies are the best! I only have two less than a year old so I am new at this but loving it!

    I no longer belong to a guild but I got started out that way. I learned so much from those women and really bonded to them. I work full time now and just can't fit it in.

  6. Congrats on all the great progress in March! You are moving right along with your UFO projects. Sorry you did not get to visit with the grand kids, hopefully they got a fun snow day at least.

  7. Beautiful work! I also made the Lazy Sunday quilt and love it. The applique and rug work is also neat!
