Monday, March 12, 2018

more snow days blocks

I haven't had energy to work on any mystery quilts this week, but I had some stitching time  and worked on the tree in between these two blocks of snow days. I nearly have the top row all ready, and part of the bottom row.

I have cut more Christmas fabric for jingle bell square from quiltville's addicted to scraps book. I am afraid I cut enough to make two. lol Each block takes 2 matching fabrics and 4 in the hour glass block and I am afraid I switched the two numbers in my head while counting. But they are so cute!

My goal for the month is to work on American Beauty Rose, a Marie Webster quilt . To do that, I need to prep more blocks for hand stitching. It has been long enough since I worked on it here, that I couldn't remember which way to lay the interfacing pieces to sew them. So I tried one piece.

 It was right the first time.

I am linking to:

Making Monday  link in sidebar
main Crush Monday   link in sidebar

show and tell monday

design wall monday   

boms away   link in sidebar


  1. I love when the sewing works correctly from the beginning.

  2. The blue fabrics in Snow Days really gives a wintery look. I know that is a big embroidery project.

  3. I am so sorry you are low on energy, but it seems to me you have made good use of your time with that wonderful embroidery.

    Deana visiting from I am currently logged into a different google accouont.

  4. Oh, gosh, I've done that so many times - switched the numbers around while cutting things out! Isn't hand stitching wonderful for those weeks when we need down time? I'm in need of a good couple of days of just hand work.
