Saturday, February 18, 2017

Feeling green

Oh my

Just a bit of sea green sewing this week. I made the 1/2 square triangles I will need in the border of my quilt. And I am working on the big leaves I am making with each color.

I am really enjoying the Rainbow Scrap challenge. I seem to see the month's color everywhere, and being more aware is always a plus. The little bit I am doing is already making a nice size pile that is rewarding, and I am not bored making the parts because a new color is a new experience each month.

This quilt was finished by my friend Linda and it was a lovely shade of sea green. She is such  a talented quilter.
 SewCan She
rsc17 super saturday


  1. Good job on the aqua front. That's why I love RSC too. I never get tired of the blocks because it's awesome to see the same block in different colors. The finished quilt is so awesome. Wow! I love that one. ;^)

  2. I love those sprouts blocks! You have great scraps for them!

  3. NICE aquamarine blocks! I LOVE this rainbow scrap challenge, too.

  4. Your finished quilt is lovely, especially the border fabric, a perfect frame. You are right about Rainbow Scrap Challenge, there's always a new color to keep us going.

  5. Lovely bits of teal in your blocks. I too am seeing teal or aqua everywhere this month.

  6. You have some really pretty blocks there! Totally with you on seeing the month's colour everywhere. :)

  7. You are really coming right along with your blocks. The RSC really is fun isn't it? Thanks for sharing your pics.

  8. You've sewn a nice lot of scrappy bits this month! Thanks for sharing your friend's quilt, too.

  9. Half inch square triangles??? I'd be blind after doing all those! They are beautiful! Love your leaves too and that quilt is really pretty! Beautiful quilting!

  10. I like the RSC for the same reason: I don't get tired of making the same block over and over because we're always using a new color!

  11. Very fun blocks and your friend's quilt is gorgeous. RSC is so easy to fit into my normal sewing, just a few blocks a month and you have a fun quilt at the end (well in my case just piles of blocks because I never seem to get around to actually making the quilt).
