Sunday, February 19, 2017

stash report Feb 19, 2017

I bought some Easter fabric this week during Joann's almost great president day sale. I have a couple of projects in mind.

and I found Kona remnants while I was there.I don't have a huge assortment of solids.

Stash report

Fabric Used this Week: 0 yards
Fabric Used year to Date: 133 1/2 yards
Fabric Added this Week: 6 yards
Fabric Added Year to Date: 31 1/2 yards

Net Fabric for 2017: 102 1/4 yards used more than added

Over Christmas, my Christmas Cactus  dropped a couple of leaves. My husband took them to the basement grow light and planted them to see if we could grow more from them. Now, we have an entire colony of cute, baby Christmas cactus, I have started potting them in give away containers.

Saturday I wanted to try a new canning lid that I discovered via the internet. They are reuseable. I was nearly out of wide mouth lids anyway. I found them easy to use. I watched a few you tube videos and followed their hints and tricks, and they all sealed successfully. I am pretty excited. I like to can a few things every year, but I really hate paying for the lids. Strictly speaking, after purchasing lids, I can almost buy a can at the store cheaper than canning it. Reuseable sounds really economical.

The lids come as a 2 piece unit.
I tried with baked beans. I found a copycat recipe for Bush's baked beans. Beans used to be the cheap food we ate a lot with 5 children. Now, a can of beans is way over priced in my opinion.
So speaking of canning. I found this really great quilt called Canning Season quilt. Looks much prettier than my baked beans.
It looks like a great quilt along here. I think it would be a great way to use bonus triangles Bonnie Hunter style.It's going on my wish list.

I am linking to:
Slow Sunday Stitching
Sunday Stash


  1. That canning season quilt is gorgeous. It might have to go on my wish list as well.

  2. Love the multiplying Christmas cactus your husband has a green thumb, those reusable lids look to be a great idea and I agree beans used to be an inexpensive go to filler now the are just overpriced. Love the Easter fabrics.

  3. You have a real cactus business going there!
    I haven't heard of those lids, but if they're reusable, that is definitely something I'd buy!

  4. Your Easter fabric looks so cute!!!

  5. I have never heard of the reusable lids. I'm going to have to look into that. The canning season quilt is so cute. But, I have to wonder about the story behind it receiving that name.
