Sunday, February 5, 2017

stash report Feb 5, 2017

Stash report

Fabric Used this Week: 0 yards
Fabric Used year to Date: 129 3/4 yards
Fabric Added this Week: 4 1/2 yards
Fabric Added Year to Date:20 3/4 yards

Net Fabric for 2017: 109 yards used more than added

As a goal this year, I said no more buying remnants. At least I made it to February. 

It is hard to resist when the remnants are 50 % off the sale price and there is a lot of fabric on sale.

The turquoise fabric on the left was a whole yard on sale 40% off and was 4.79. Then the remnant was 2.40 for the yard. Christmas was 60% off, flannel was 2.69 a yard and then 1/2 off. And this is very useable  for my projects. I am still on the positive side so I'll punish myself by sewing a few more hourglass blocks, hang my head a moment, and then get back to it.
I am knitting socks this evening for slow Sunday stitching and my much needed day of rest.
I am linking to:
Slow Sunday Stitching
Sunday Stash


  1. The remnants bin is my kryptonite too!! Luckily I had my son with me last time I was at JoAnn. He was in a mood so I did not have time for browsing, I had to get in and out as quickly as possible!! Great job decreasing your stash!

  2. Whoa! Those are sure bright cheerful socks!

  3. Ha Ha I find remnants hard to resit too. Congratulations on making it through January!

  4. HOpe you enjoyed your knitting and feel more relaxed!

  5. Very fun fabrics for a great price. You are still way in the black, so why not?

  6. I have to admit, I always peruse the remnants bins. I've gotten great finds and it's also a good source for decorator cuts to make pillows.
