Thursday, September 22, 2016

Confessions in the studio

Somebody needs a time out ...

I read a great blog post by Karen Kahle.
She is a rug hooking artist I greatly admire. And I was so glad to read this

2. Chaos ensues.
No matter how good your intentions may be, even if you start with a big table to work on you end up having about one foot of usable work space. I actually first read this on a fellow crafter’s blog, and I get it! In the heat of the moment, with fiber flying and ideas morphing, the scissors and cup of tea disappear under some gorgeous tidal wave of inspiration, and the there you have it: C H A O S. And so what do I do? I end up working on the kitchen counter, then the living room floor, etc.

I had to laugh and confess I get it too

I have been putting basket blocks together. I need to start trimming, but the messy cutting table doesn't have enough room :) so I need to take time out to clean. Where's the fun in that?

I'm linking to
fabric, thread and yarn
and oh scrap
needle and thread thursdays

1 comment:

  1. Those are lovely baskets. Something beautiful came out of chaos... ;-) I particularly love the one in the middle.
    Thank you for participating to my Fabric, Thread and Yarn link party. Have a beautiful Sunday!
