Sunday, January 26, 2025

stash report January 26 , 2025

  I haven't bought any new fabric so far this year. There are no changes to my stash report. I did visit a Joann  store and was completely surprised by the changes. I didn't buy any fabric, but, I bought a noodle cutter and a new pastry cutter. I never thought I would buy kitchen items in a Joann fabric store.

 stash report January  26 , 2025 

fabric added this week: 0 yards

 fabric added year to date for 2025: 0 yards

fabric used: o yards 

fabric used year to date for 2025: 14 1/2 yards  

14 1/2 yards used more than bought in 2025 still ahead

I sewed 1 day last week. 

With the new year, I am restarting an applique project - across the wide missourri- I made some stems and leaves. there will be embroidery connecting the flower top to the stems.

I am linking:


  1. I would not have thought of purchasing those items at JoAnn's also. I enjoy seeing the progress with your applique project. Hand applique always takes longer than one expects. Happy stitching!

  2. You did great with your appliqué block, love these plaid fabrics for the leaves! Joann is not a fabric store anymore?
    Thank you for sharing and linking up today.

  3. I know you're not in Indiana this week! Glad you have some stitchery along on your trip.

  4. I've heard that Jo Ann's isn't likely to survive much longer. That's sad as it's getting hard to find places you can run out and pick up simple sewing needs.

  5. My JoAnn's store is such a mess with very little stock that I have been trying to avoid it lately. Your applique looks pretty.

  6. I love applique. Need to get back to it myself.
