Tuesday, April 9, 2019

florabunda again

I am having a little bit of trouble getting the angle of the HSTs right. I can't just web the block together and start the assembly, without spreading it out, and checking it for mistakes. I am sure the more I make, the better it will get. But, it seems that I can look at a good block for placement, and, by the time, I pick up the next piece my mind has switched it. sigh....

But, it's worth it, I like the blocks, and, it's exciting to see each block. I need 72, and, I am going with the plan to use up the scrap, so, there will be repeats. If I scatter them throughout the quilt I don't think it will be that noticeable that I have repeated some of them.

I am linking to:

chameleon color linky

Oh scrap


  1. Hi Maggie! I think your block looks great. Is it a Jacob's Ladder? This will make a beautiful quilt. I've never made this block but find it interesting that it can be made in three portions as you have it laid out. Cool! I look forward to seeing this project come together. Is there a deadline? Happy Tuesday. ~smile~ Roseanne

  2. Looks good i had the same problem with my project....grrrr

  3. I suck at webbing! LOL. And even if I don't web I suck at getting things straight.
