Friday, April 5, 2019

smith mountain morning rows

One of my monthly goals for April is making smith mountain morning, a Bonnie Hunter class I took in 2014.
 I had all the blocks made, I just needed to assemble the top and I have started the rows. That is when I discovered I am missing 2 blocks, one of each, the star and the the log cabin.

I don't know why all the fabrics are not with the blocks, so I am scrounging around to find what will look like the originals. This is a great reason why I should not procrastinate the finishing like I do.
I have the star block finished. I have certainly improved as a quilter. The block was easier than it had been when I started the quilt. I am liking the colors together.

I am linking to:

Whoop Whoop


  1. Beautiful colors. I am sure this will be a lovely finish!!!

  2. Such a lovely color pallet! It’s going to be a beautiful quilt!

  3. this is one of my favorite bonnie patterns and i especially like the colors of yours...

  4. So pretty in those colors. Love it.

  5. This is going to be such a beauty.

  6. It will be lovely, but I do know that feeling of not being able to find the fabric you had set aside to complete something. Thank you for linking up to the Peacock Party.
