Tuesday, June 25, 2019

garden party and liberty

I have added more garden party blocks  (quiltville) to my project box. This is an easy block to take with me when I quilt away from home.

I have more liberty sewing finished. I am sewing the motifs together in sections. That way I can finish the 2 1/2 inch squares needed  to frame each one. And, if I read the directions right, It will go together oddly - not in rows.

I am not really paying any attention to keeping the fabrics separated. I am just sewing them together on a whim.

I am linking to:

chameleon color linky

Oh scrap

I am linking to:


  1. Love your blog! Regular reader here. Thank you for blogging. Sorry for this to be my first comment, but my "OCD" is screaming: "Tell her there's a mistake in the red and green garden party block!" Whew. Now I can proceed with my day. (Was this a test? You got me!) Again, thank you for blogging. Quilt blogs are becoming a rarity and I so appreciate blogs like yours.

  2. Those little blocks are darling! How do you prep those garden blocks to make them portable? Do you have all the fabrics selected and cut out for each block in a baggie, or an assortment of cut strips that you work from, selecting what works together as you go? I would like to do better with portable sewing but I struggle with having something ready to go as I walk out the door.

  3. Your Garden Party blocks really look like a garden party going on. I like your fabric choices.

  4. Wonderful progress being made there! Enjoy your days of stitching.

  5. I like your liberty project and the freedom you have given yourself to just sew the blocks as they fall. we all need a project like that sometimes.
