Monday, April 3, 2023

April one monthly goal

I opened an older ufo called hand me down  last month and have been making flying geese and star blocks. I am nearly done with the blocks. Each block is so different and fun to see, when I finish it. All of them are made from recycled shirt fabrics. I want to make finishing this as my one monthly goal for April. I cut this quilt in 2018, and made the hourglass blocks, before, adding it to the ufo closet.

ugly library carpet

April tends to get away from me, so I will need to stick to it. We have birthdays and Spring( I hope) and we love our garden. In addition, I need to cut back on my social sewing. And, that is where I get a lot done on my projects.

I am linking:


  1. Oh Maggie, I love the plaids They always give me happy thoughts. Thanks for faithfully linking with our Design Wall Mondays Linky Party. Hugs, Judy

  2. Love all those shirt fabrics. This is such a fun project. Looking forward to seeing at least a finished flimsy by the end of the month. Good luck with your OMG!

  3. What a great use of old shirts. I've saved a couple of hubby's shirts but haven't done much with them.

  4. The rug makes a great background! The blocks are terrific.

  5. Interesting to see the change turning the Broken Dishes centers makes. I love recycled plaid shirts, and these are super blocks for using them.

  6. Maggie, those are such fun blocks! I love the idea of using old shirts for the fabrics! Have fun with this one. I'm looking forward to seeing the finish! Thanks for linking up with Monday Musings!

  7. I too love all the plaids! Both April and May are going to get away from me so I'm right there with you. There's a ton going on but I have so many things to do in the studio and in the garden, too! Guess we'd better just start this month off right! Good luck!

  8. You're doing such a great job getting out your UFOs and moving them along! It's fun to see how the hourglass blocks turn into stars. I love all those plaid shirt fabrics, too!

  9. Great goal! Those blocks are so pretty, I can't wait to see the all together. Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.

  10. Cool blocks made with shirt fabrics, Maggie!! It will be a pretty quilt,

  11. I would love to make a quilt with shirts...if only hubby would let go of clothes he's not worn for $10

  12. What a fun quilt this one will be when it’s done. Love seeing upcycled shirt quilts. Thank you for linking with To Do Tuesday. Hope this week went as well for you.
