Tuesday, April 28, 2020

to do

Time to look at my list for last week.

last week's to do:
1. quilt Lucy's basket quilt - I am close - done

2.  Old world mystery clue #3- done
3. finish a snowman on my rug - almost

4. start sashings for shirt quilt - done

5. mow - done- it doesn't look as nice, but, it will do.

Next week's to do:
1. cut unity mystery clue 2
2. cut old world mystery 4
3. mow
4. cut shirt scraps

I am linking to:


  1. The snowman rug looks like so much fun! How did you learn to do it?

  2. HAHAHAHAHAHA! Hi Maggie! You are way braver than I am. Even though I usually speak to everyone, I still wouldn't stoop to engaging a spider. He's sounds like a nice one, though. I may need to reconsider and set my bias aside. Lucy's basket quilt is certainly pretty. What size are the baskets? They look so small - kudos to you. Your snowman is really coming along - almost done. Thanks for linking up the week. ~smile~ Roseanne

  3. I love your basket quilt, so elegant and beautiful! Such a treasure!

  4. Thanks for the spider joke. haha My 10yo is going to love that one in the morning. He collects jokes like that one and then tells them to the manager here. Great job on the basket quilt and snowman, thanks for linking up with the Chameleon's Colour & Inspiration party!
