Saturday, August 4, 2018

soul searching

I only have 1 more block to make for soul searching. Today was orange day for my rainbow scrap challenge. Orange is one of my favorite colors, but I don't use it much, so I don't have as many scraps as I would like.

It was a sunny windy day, Photos were challenging.

I am linking to
 SewCan She

rsc18 super saturday


  1. Those are such neat blocks for making in every color! I love the "quilt" fabric!

  2. Beautiful rainbow quilt blocks!

  3. Love this design - mine is almost done, just need to get that binding stitched down!

  4. Your blocks look terrific - what a great assortment of fabrics!

  5. The orange block is very bright and fun. You are going to have another beautiful rainbow quilt when you get them all finished.

  6. That ORANGE block certainly turned up the volume on your growing quilt layout!!

  7. I am enjoying your soul searching blocks. Such a great way to use up your scraps for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge. Like you, I don't use orange very often, so I don't have a lot of orange scraps either.

  8. That is a super cute bundle.

    The photo of your grand son is wonderful as we all have experienced children innocently helping while they are in the way. Tell your daughter in law that we love her photo!

    You are also making great progress on your rainbow quilt.

  9. Love this pattern. Love that the blocks are HUGE! My friend and I started this a while back. We were going to switch blocks when 12 blocks were complete. Neither of us have finished yet... WIPs...

  10. Love the soul searching block! I made my RSC quilt with this block in 2016 and love it!

  11. Your blocks are looking really nice.
