Wednesday, February 5, 2025

more dresden rings

I have had a chance to make more dresden  rings. I tend to sew a bunch of blades, turn and press them and then sew the rings. After I make a couple, I run out of variety and repeat. I need 5 more to reach my goal.

 I am linking:

wednesday wait loss

setting up shop at my son's house


  1. The plates are very pretty. Are they all in shades of pink or is this a RSC project? Happy stitching!

  2. Love those Dresdens! So pretty. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  3. Lovely dresdens! I like making them, but like you need to find more colors to finish.

  4. Very pretty Dresdens! It's hard to sew on the road, but so worth it if you can find a good place to set up.
