Saturday, November 14, 2020


I had one last row to do for the row by row quilt.  I dug out turquoise scraps and cut 3 1/2 inch hsts. I made the row, and, started joining rows. 

I pieced the top, cut the back, and prepared the binding. It is waiting a turn on the longarm.

All ready to quilt

I am looking to finish webbing the Irish chain quilt at retreat today. I worked on it yesterday, and started webbing the top. I am a little worried that I am too nosy to be working on something that needs a little more attention at retreat. There are those quilters that put their nose to the machine, and never look up until they are done. I am not one of them.

I cut and cut and cut

I was asked more than once, yesterday, how many rainbow quilts did I plan to make? I have plenty of scraps, that I am not sure the question is answerable. I think I will just say... a million. I think it is the best way to make a quilt. While I worked on big goals this year, I was "secretly" sewing blocks by color of the rainbow scrap challenge. And, then, presto, I will have a few new quilts ready to finish. And, I really like the bloggers and inspiration I find every Saturday. Lots of wins.

My rainbow projects for 2020 with links:

 Irish chain
row by row
scraptastic star
country road
and now
postage stamp psp20

I am linking to:

rsc20 super saturday
oh scrap
UFO busting


  1. I love the rainbow projects, too, and I'm sure my local quilting friends wonder if I will ever make anything else! Looking forward to seeing your row x row quilt quilted up!

  2. How many rainbow quilts? Make ALL the rainbow quilts, Maggie!! :o))

  3. Stitching RSC projects is certainly fun. Like you, my projects have grown from a couple, to several more, just like that! Just as well we all enjoy our stitching!

  4. I agree that the RSC bloggers are the best! They are very generous with their comments, and there is a constant flow of inspiration. Let's all keep making rainbow quilts!

  5. Your quilts are so lovely, what does it matter what colors we make them? Happy stitching!

  6. I think the RSC is a wonderful way to use up actual scraps a little bit at a time and it's kind of fun to see what scraps I get to work with each month when a new color is called. But I don't know what I'll do when I actually use up all my scraps. Guess I'll wait and decide when that happens!

    I'm nosey too but I don't go to retreats and am pretty much a hermit so I can easily keep my nose to the grindstone. It's just that I have so many grindstones!

  7. I love the RSC too. It keeps me focused on scraps each month and I love that I can lay with different blocks. I love your chain blocks. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  8. Those chains blocks are totally awesome! I socialize too much to really get a ton of quilting completed at a retreat; but, I love learning more about the people who attend!
