Friday, November 13, 2020

project box

I opened another project box thinking it would be an easy decision. This quilt kit was a Joann fabrics block of the month called peaceful paisley from 2013. It was not an easy decision. All the Joann kits come with precut pieces and instructions. I like that, sometimes, as an easy piecing project when other projects become stressful. I found a complete set, and the setting kit, and the precut binding in the box. But, I also found several other block kits.

What I think I did, was use coupons to buy the original set, and, then, I bought odd blocks when they were clearanced. There was not a complete set, so, I just bought any 12 to make another quilt someday. I have 6 sewn together, but, one was missing the pieces for the brown border. I had a couple of fat quarters that I can cut to make the missing borders.

I am a spreader

I took this project box to Friday quilt group so that I could spread it out, and, see what I had. I decided to trade some of the hand applique blocks for pieced ones in the original kit. I plan to finish it and, then, decide about the rest. I am not sure I want to invest the time for an additional donation quilt. I did piece one more block at our meeting. I will take it today, and, play around some more, and, see if I can make a more concrete decision. 

Linda brought her beautiful quilt to show us.

Linda's quilt

I'm linking to:



  1. Wow, that's one I haven't seen before -- I really like the colors. Hoping your extra block kits can be combined to make a unique and pleasing finish. I'm on the last block of Countryside Cottage of the same vintage and really hoping I can finish it up completely before years end.

  2. Looks like you have a lovely puzzle on your hands! I have faith in you! You will get it done and it will be wonderful!

  3. I didn't even know JoAnn's had BOMS. Decisions, decisions, huh? Good for you for moving forward.

  4. SOmetimes I really enjoy figuring out how and what I want to do on these kits

  5. Good for you to pull out a project box and figure out what to do with the contents. . .even when there was more in there than you had thought! Oh. . .the decisions ahead of you! Please keep us posted!
