Tuesday, December 24, 2019

spikey template

Surprise, it is almost Christmas. We had the grandest time last night watching the Mormon Tabernacle Choir's Christmas specials on you tube. My favorite was - all is well with my soul - with Hugh Bonneville. It was deeply touching. I am so grateful for the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes.

I thought I would try an actual list for to do tuesday. It might be too organized for me.

To do Tuesday
1. cut new spikey pieces to go with what I have already cut. I have been sewing these as leaders and enders for sand castles quilt. I cut a bunch of them awhile ago to use a new block loc template, but, now that I am making them, I see I need more light outsides.

Before trimming

all trimmed

2. cut small shirt pieces into useable sizes.
3. Christmas hooray
4. Quilt one of my quilts

I am linking to:
to do tuesday


  1. Maybe if I watched Xmas services or musical on tv I would be more in a Christmas mood - although I don't mind the season I don't get all giddy over it like some do - it was special when our children were small and the few times we saw grandchildren when they were small at the holidays but when it is just adults it doesn't have the same feeling to it for me.

  2. Your spikey pieces look really neat! I need to go back and look at the Sandcastles pattern to remember where they go! Merry Christmas, Maggie!

  3. Hi Maggie! I'm a bit behind reading the link ups for Tuesday, but better later than never. I have the Bloc Loc ruler but have never used it for a project yet. I can't recall why I purchased it - HAHA. Thanks so much for linking up! I hope you had a very Merry Christmas. ~smile~ Roseanne
